We offer memberships and green fees are available for non-members.
With rounds of golf taking between 4 to 5 hours for 18 holes, this is putting people off joining a golf club, as time is at a premium these days, with work and family commitments.
Ferrybridge Golf Club offers an ideal opportunity to join a 9 hole golf club with affordable membership and green fees.
The R&A have now endorsed 9 hole golf competitions as they see that this the way forward.
The course is set in Fryston Park surrounded by mature trees and a gently undulating landscape.
We look forward to welcoming you.
The golf club was originally a section of Ferrybridge "C" Power Station sports and social club. Started in 1970s, the course was in two parts round the car parks and the cooling towers. It was laid entirely by the members themselves.
Modifications were made down the years but the realignment of the A1 meant the course had to close with the members being accommodated at Mid Yorkshire golf club until a new course could be built to the North of the power station by the Highways Agency.
When the new course was opened, the golf club became Ferrybridge Golf Club and operated as a stand-alone golf club with membership open to the general public.
In 2011 the golf course closed again due to the site owners SSE building a new power station on the course. The members were once again to be accommodated at Mid Yorkshire golf club.
We now have a new 9 hole golf course, with 2 tees per hole built in Fryston Park which is on the other side of the A1 to the station.
The new course has been designed by Simon Gidmon and opened in 2017.
The course is surrounded by mature woodland, inside the course there are 3 large areas of the same mature woodlands which the designer has made full use of in the course layout, this gives the impression the course is much more mature than it is and at 6300 yards for 18 holes will be a test of golf for high and low handicap golfers. The 7th green is also guarded by a lake.
The club has a purpose built clubhouse where we can accommodate and cater for members and visiting parties. The club caters for all golfers no matter what their abilities. We offer 5 & 7 day membership and 9 hole mid week handicap competitions.
The Club Started
Yards in total
Shortest Hole at 162 yards
Longest Hole at 504 yards
We would like to thank Express Signs, Enfinium and Etex Building Performance for being our sponsors here at Ferrybridge Golf Club. If you have a business you would like to advertise on our Sponsor Board please contact admin@ferrybridgegolf.co.uk
Spend them on green fees, hiring a buggy or use in the club house on food or drinks the choice is yours.
Vouchers are valid for 6 months from day of purchase.
If you would like to buy a voucher or enquire further please email admin@ferrybridgegolf.co.uk
Hot food is available Saturday & Sunday 7am until 2pm, the kitchen is closed Monday to Friday. Click here for the menu, weekly specials now available displayed on the board in clubhouse.
The club is now operating on Winter Hours of 7am until 5pm.
Please note: To protect the course, we are currently on winter fairway mats and winter tee mats, these are FBGC winter rules. Fairway mats can be hired for £5 + £5 deposit or purchased for £10 behind reception. Winter tee boxes are also now in play.
Please note all visitors must abide by the Club Dress Code click here for details.
Visitor Societies are welcome, please contact the club for more information.
We are looking forward to a fantastic year of golf in 2024.
We hope we can welcome more ladies to our club over the coming season and the year to come. We are a small ladies section, currently 17 members and would like to welcome more including juniors.
We started our season with a social event, a ladies cocktail evening, raising over £200 for this year's nominated charity, The Clothing Bank. Theres many more to follow.
Our course has been open almost everyday throughout the past year despite the weather, this is due to the excellent drainage, the green keeping staff and club management.
We compete in the Ladies League and compete in the club competitions with the men, including a weekly Veterans 9 hole comp. We feel we offer something for all ages and handicaps. This year, for the first time, we have entered a team in the Yorkshire Ladies White Rose league, to offer our ladies a chance to play competitive golf both at home and away at other clubs. Click here to see the YLCGA Fixtures and Results. We also have 2 friendly matches arranged this year, home and away games, and all ladies regardless of handicap, are encouraged to play.
We hold ladies meetings throughout the year, to discuss growing and improving our ladies section, as well as social events and consider any new initiatives the ladies put forward.
Please feel free to contact the club for any information and we look forward to welcoming you to our club in the near future.
Sharon Collins
Lady Captain
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